I would like to share this because maybe it will help someone who suffers from vertigo.
In the summer of 2013, I was in the shower, bent over and when I came back up everything turned around. I wondered, thinking “Well, it'll go away.”
It didn't go away and stayed for almost a year.
From then on, I went to the doctor about once a week. They had no idea where it was coming from and sent me to the neurologist, radiologist, psychotherapist and so on.
After 3 months I was at the end of my tether and started crying and praying.
It was so exhausting and scary to manage my everyday life and I was in the middle of my training as a wholesale clerk.
The symptoms were strange: spinning and swaying dizziness, tingling in my head and sometimes as if water was running through my brain from the inside, enormous pain in my spine, confusion, eye movement disorders.
I had the feeling that I was completely losing control of myself and my body and had motor difficulties. It was a disaster for me at the time and wondered if these were signs that I would have to go soon.
Searching on Google always increased my panic, because then it usually came out that I had multiple sclerosis or something else. In the end, the doctor gave me a sedative. I felt sick and refused.
The ray of hope
My prayers were answered.
I felt drawn to Ayurveda after receiving a book by Deepak Chopra as a gift from a woman in a bookshop.
I then received an Ayurveda book by Kerstin Rosenberg as a Christmas present and that became my 'bible'.
I integrated Ayurvedic things into my life and I at least felt relief because my nervous system was calmed. In addition, my confidence and trust grew more and more every day. It gave me a lot of strength and support.
I learned to stand up for myself and not let myself be portrayed as crazy. I took responsibility for myself and took matters into my own hands instead of wandering around like a victim and stopped googling. I knew I would be okay.
There were many things I tried during this time that helped me.
For example, there was the naturopath who specializes in the spine - he helped me a lot and got my vertebrae back where they should be.
I had regular acupuncture and the practitioner recommended a great preparation with psyllium and all the necessary nutrients.
I started practicing yoga through my health insurance and that's how I got on my current path, for which I am very grateful.
The Ayurvedic diet, yoga, swimming, supplements and support from alternative practitioners and methods were the things that made me feel human and good again.
All in all, I took responsibility for my entire health for the first time and never wanted to let it slip out of my hands again.
Where did that come from?
Of course, you also have to look at what was going on in your life beforehand.
I certainly had a few signs beforehand that my nervous system was overloaded.
The year it started, I ended a toxic relationship and some traumas came up. I had also been drinking alcohol and smoking a lot, and my diet certainly wasn't great.
When I was 3 years old, I had a tick bite on the back of my neck and pulled the tick out myself. This circular spot appeared and it hurt like hell for days. But it wasn't so well known back then. 7 years later, Lyme disease broke out and I had to take antibiotics.
These are things that fit into the picture quite well.
My own theory, however, is that everything ultimately came from the gut.
Only a basic bowel cleansing was able to stabilize my health a few years later.
Our gut is like a tree that needs strong roots in healthy soil.
Sometimes all the garbage has to come out: remnants of antibiotics, heavy metals, environmental toxins, substances, parasites, old fecal residues (no, we don't excrete EVERYTHING every day).
Our microbiome needs the right composition to keep us healthy. It depends on what we feed it.
Bowel cleansing should be as normal as brushing your teeth.
In my opinion, the fact that people have dizziness etc. in old age is also largely related to the intestines and what has accumulated over a lifetime. But let's not go that far.
So... I hope that I have been able to put someone on the right track with this.
All the best & maximum health
Chantal ♡