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Changing emotions through a scale?

In a hamster wheel of emotions. For days. Weeks.

A constant anger in the stomach, which sometimes erupts in sadness .

Feelings of guilt that spread to every area of life and we apologize for every little thing.

Apathetic hopelessness that has taken away our joy in life.

Fear that freezes us and almost renders us incapable of action.

This is not uncommon. As humans, we go through many emotions.

Sometimes we have to protect ourselves through distraction or repression .

Even when we're feeling pretty good, we like to distract ourselves.

Most of us are more or less plagued by a smartphone - social media addiction and the first thing we reach for in the morning is not even our coffee, but our smartphone.

If you recognize yourself in this, I feel exactly the same way! It's work in progress...

An example of a distraction from my deepest emotions that I experienced when I was 20 was binge eating, alcohol, and many other things.

Sometimes we act out of ignorance or unconsciousness . Even if we think we are already "farther along" and more conscious, a lot of things are still happening in our subconscious and our thoughts are not promoting our joy in life or our health.

We can see this clearly, for example, when people are present who trigger us, when we are driving a car or when we have made a "mistake".

The path to greater inner freedom and higher consciousness in thinking and acting leads directly through our emotions.

Maybe you have heard of the Hawkins scale ?

This really helped me to visualize my emotions and reactions to them.

The image automatically pops into my head as soon as I feel myself drifting into emotions such as fear, guilt or shame . It also helps me to take action when I fall into old patterns. Sometimes we need a reminder of roughly where we are emotionally.

We climb up and down the "ladder of consciousness". The lower rungs never completely fade away - they are part of being human - we just change the way we look at them. David R. Hawkins

Our emotions are fundamentally neither "good" nor "bad" because every emotion has its right to exist. However, a person's reaction to their emotions can be very difficult - for example, when they hurt or abuse others.

An inner change therefore requires taking personal responsibility .

According to Hawkins, we can think of emotions more like a temperature scale - there is hot and cold, water in the form of ice and boiling water.

Without the lower, "survival area," we as humans would not experience revelations, and we would learn and change less.

Instead of condemning these emotions, it is more important that we deal with them constructively and see how and what we can change.

It's pointless to be angry with yourself because you're angry or to be ashamed because you're ashamed. "What you resist, persists." Do you know that too?

Our goal is to continue to develop and not stay where we came from.

Some say that consciousness with its emotional levels is like a muscle and we should train it just like muscles.

When we learn something new, we are initially ignorant and often weak.

But over time it becomes easier and an upward spiral occurs.

Then it just flows!

But if we give in to anger and guilt for a long time, a downward spiral occurs and we end up feeling like we are buried in mud.

What the numbers mean

David Hawkins was a psychologist and used the scale in his own practice.

He compared all the thoughts, feelings, relationships, emotions, and outlooks on life from human experiences that he had collected and found many similarities. From this he created a logarithmic scale.

But our human experience is and remains very subjective.

The scale, like many things, is simply a creation of humans so that we can better imagine things, communicate better with each other and relate one thing to another.

The numbers are meant to represent the energy levels of emotions.

We ourselves and everything that is in us, the whole of nature and also the objects are

Energy that oscillates at different speeds or slownesses.

The scale is therefore an energy measure for the vibration frequency.

At some point we will be able to measure emotions and ideas accurately, but we are not there yet (if I am wrong please let me know :D)

What physics can measure, however, are sound vibrations and frequencies in Hertz, which are fundamental for the production of music.

These frequencies 396 - 963 Hz are also associated with our chakras and the associated emotions.

Similar to the consciousness scale, our bottom 3 chakras are also associated with survival, anger, fear and pride when they are out of balance.
Similar to the consciousness scale, our bottom 3 chakras are also associated with survival, anger, fear and pride when they are out of balance.

The scale is used in therapy together with kinesiology (muscle testing), which makes the responses of our subconscious visible.

In his book "The Map of Consciousness Explained" he describes his method, which combines personal self-assessment with measurement techniques . This can help you get a better picture of what your basic emotions are and which emotion you mostly act on.

Ideas where you could start

If you're interested, exploring your emotional world can increase your awareness even without Hawkins' books. You can peek at the scale every now and then to get a better feel for it.

  1. Self-reflection

    Take time to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and reactions in everyday life. Make friends with where you are right now and try to treat yourself with unconditional love .

    To help you get into a flow, you can write a diary regularly (paper or online at

    If you don't have time for that, try writing memos to yourself, you'll be amazed at what comes out of it!

  2. Shine light on the darkness

    Shadow work should be done by everyone, but not everyone should or can do it alone. If you do the work together with a good therapist, you are on the safe side.

    Therapy is a pretty normal thing these days and, in my opinion, a good thing.

    I have the confidence to do this on my own and have been doing it for a few years now.

    Without the exchange with friends, it would have been much more difficult for me.

  3. Strengthening Positive Emotions

    Do you know the saying: “What you pay attention to, grows”?

    Sometimes it's crazy how small changes in our attitude can change an entire day. But the best part is that with every decision to focus on the positive things in life, we not only change the day, but also weeks, months, and ultimately years.

    Some situations and days are really shit and nothing can help.

    But ask yourself more often from a bird's eye view: Is it really that bad and what should I learn from it? What is God/the universe trying to tell me?

    Even if you don't recognize any particular reason why you should be in a good mood, just look at what you probably have: warmth in the cold season, family, friends, health, things that you have always wanted. Practicing appreciation works wonders :)

Please let me know in the comments if you already know the scale of consciousness and your thoughts on it.

All love ♡





Your Shadow Self: Recognize who you really are | The journal that helps you recognize your shadows - N. Brockmann



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