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2025 - What you should know

Astrology didn't interest me much until last year.

But at the end of 2024, I thought it would have been nice to know in advance what to look out for and what energy the year would bring. My curiosity for this has awakened :-)

This has resulted in a small overview of what we should pay attention to this year and it doesn't hurt to compare your own life with the astrological predictions every month.

I read 5 oracle cards (from Goddesses, Gods and Guardians) for the year 2025:

Kuan Yin, Ogma, Hathor, Lia and the High Priest of Atlantis, but I'll get to that later.

The Wooden Serpent

You may have already heard: 2025 is the year of the wooden snake.

What is this year about? It's actually quite easy - ask yourself: What would a snake do now? What characteristics does it have?

If you are now thinking, but snakes are evil, wrong and bad...? (as in German “falsche Schlange” = liar).

And that is exactly one of the topics: Dispelling old misconceptions. Because they actually stand for truth, balance and healing.

Snakes are masculine in form and feminine in movement.

It represents the union, i.e. the balance of masculinity and femininity within us and without.

Snakes control their metabolism via the sun and can withstand long periods of hunger as they store energy and digest it slowly. For us, it's about turning to the true forces (nature) inside and out, which are always available, and finally letting go of our emotional, trained dependencies.

The main themes

Triumph of femininity

This year is a YIN year, i.e. feminine. As women have been oppressed by patriarchy for many years and this is harmful to Mother Earth (because we need balance), the goal energetically is to move towards sacred femininity. However, this means that dark femininity will be used a lot to draw attention to the dark side of masculinity.

On the one hand, the behavior of fake, bad people will be exposed more and more.

On the other hand, this year invites us to connect more with Mother Earth and feminine energy, regardless of gender.

True power and truth

As mentioned above, the snake draws its true power from the sun and warmth. And we?

We are quite dependent on governments, systems, social media, people, food and think we simply can't live without many things.

The challenge is that these conditioned dependencies often drag us down and our potential falls by the wayside! This can also lead to permanent anxiety.

2025 is about stepping into your full power and into your innermost heart truth. That you give up your self-doubt about what others might think and you stop making yourself smaller to make others feel better. You have the gift of bringing others out of their comfort zone, but that has change in itself and requires pattern interruptions.

The snake is super flexible, but also has the ability to make itself quite big and long (without arms and legs!). The message: let go of what makes you small.

Think about it calmly: What are my true values, morals and goals without the outside? Listen to your heart and highest self.

Letting go of old identities

Snakes shed their skin 2-6 times a year and the process can take up to 2 weeks.

That doesn't sound easy! Similar to us: letting go of an old identity can take away our sense of stability and make those around us quite uneasy. But afterwards we are more radiant, more authentic and freer than ever.

You can also support this physically: Through regular exfoliation, daily body shakes, Kundalini exercises, sauna and sport. Inner work also plays a major role this year.


This has been particularly difficult for me in recent years: Do what you have to do, not what you want to do.

And we KNOW what we have to do to really get ahead. We are often so comfortable that we prefer not to take action and sabotage ourselves.

This year we can't play these games anymore, we can't let ourselves go. Otherwise, we may be left behind on a timeline that will be difficult to get out of. It's like in the film "Butterfly Effect". Go with your flow.

Try to eliminate things from your everyday life (e.g. social media) that are less important than what you feel deep down is necessary and make a list of priorities.

Setting boundaries

It is particularly important for sensitive people, empaths, people with a big heart and who perceive a lot, light workers etc. to set firm boundaries and be calm warriors. It is better to avoid certain things, but also people, such as the so-called “energy vampires”. Perhaps you have already had such an encounter, then you know what I mean.

The best protection is your awareness that there are people who are not benevolent and the constant raising of your frequency!

Back to the self

Who am I really? What do I really want? Profound questions may arise this year. The topics are mastery over yourself, self-empowerment, personal leadership (in order to be able to lead others later), clarity of the senses, living out authenticity and becoming autonomous: Where can you live a more self-determined life?

Shadow work, either on your own or with professional help is a pretty good thing this year. We should focus on getting and staying in our center.


Move slowly but wisely. Bring more intention into your actions. Create more rituals and enjoyment in your life. Be agile but firmly rooted to the earth.

If you haven't already done so, study the chakras and what Kundalini is. Support your energy by eating “the rainbow” every day, i.e. all the colors of fruits & vegetables.

You may see faster healing processes and more glow ups this year.

The snake also represents sexual temptation - as always, use your sexual energy wisely. This energy goes far beyond physical union - you can use it to create anything you want in your life.


Use technology and social media to your advantage: just like everyone else, you deserve to share your message and your voice. Show yourself, dare, someone will need it! You are making a difference in this world.

On the other hand, consume less content and return to your own truth. Because as you now know: we need to be calm, serene, grounded and nothing could be more important than family, friends, creativity, nature or spiritual practice.

Support from the spiritual world ✨

If you like, you can consider how you can apply these tips from gods & goddesses in your life. Perhaps you also feel attracted to others?


A goddess in ancient Egypt - the goddess of love, music, joy, beauty, motherhood and dance. She strongly protected women. Like every woman, she also had a dark side - “Sekhmet” and she could become a lion goddess.

  • Stands for strength, protection for women, births and children, healing

  • Inspiration for inner strength and transformation

  • Your soul family supports you in everything you do, they want to see you grow. You are loved unconditionally. Stick to your soul family in 2025.

Kuan Yin (Avalokiteshvara)

A goddess of infinite compassion from Mahayana Buddhism. She is a bodhisattva. Her name means: “The one who hears the lamentations of the world”.

She rejected a luxurious life and opted for a simple life in a monastery. As a result, she was tyrannized by her father, who had her executed. On her death, a tiger gave her the peach of immortality and she became a goddess.

  • She brings healing for the destructive effects of patriarchy

  • The mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” is connected to her - perhaps you can integrate it into your everyday life

  • Do you listen to your inner voice when your body longs for rest and can't take any more? Or do you just keep going and push yourself beyond your limits? How do you talk to yourself, are you very critical and want to be perfect?

  • You may have prioritized your masculine side for many years - start bathing in your femininity and embrace love in its many facets and everything you thought you didn't deserve.

  • Nourish yourself with true sources of energy, fill your cup and be more compassionate with yourself and others


An Australian Aboriginal water goddess who stands up for women. In the story, she created a river for women because men had forbidden them to drink.

  • She asks you: “Don't suffer in silence.

  • Say what you need and assert yourself”

  • Fill your vessel first, then that of others

  • Use the element of water to flush out old patterns, connect with the water element through your chakras by swimming, bathing, showering, water art etc.

  • Write down your fears and blockages

  • Invocation: I claim my space in the universe and stand up for myself.


A god from Celtic mythology, especially Ireland, was a warrior and was considered a master of language, poetry and magic.

  • Use conscious language, honesty and clarity (personal + social media)

  • Do not engage in pointless conflicts & listen to inner wisdom

  • Standing up for justice and truth

  • Learn & share knowledge, encourage creativity

High Priest of Atlantis

The golden era of Atlantis lasted for about 1500 years, people still had 12 active chakras instead of the current 7 (mostly). The High Priest of Atlantis masters, among other things, the work with sounds, crystals and colors to balance the chakras.

  • In today's often stressful times, our chakras quickly become unbalanced and weakened

  • This information encourages us to balance our chakras on a daily basis in order to lead a more balanced life

  • Remedies for this include color therapy, sounds (singing bowls), Reiki, nutrition, gemstones, meditation, yoga, singing, chanting, massages and much more!

Sending Love, Light & Healing




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